The Woman’s Studies Center organized a training course titled “Organized Crime and its Impact on Foreign Policy and International Relations” on Wednesday and Thursday, July 10-11, 2024, in collaboration with the Continuing Education Center. Several researchers participated in the training course, including Dr. Lara Hassan Abdullah, who presented a paper titled “Transnational Organized Crime: Challenges and Ways of Confrontation,” and Dr. Israa Saeed Asi, who presented a paper titled “Criminal Confrontation to Curb Organized Crime: Terrorism as a Model,” and Teaching Assistant Zainab Mohammed Khalaf, who presented a paper titled “Organized Crime in Iraq and Its Impact on Foreign Relations.”

The training course concluded with several recommendations, including:

  1. Enhancing coordination and cooperation between the security and judicial agencies of different countries, such as establishing permanent mechanisms for rapid and secure information exchange and using shared databases. It also suggested organizing joint training courses to improve skills and expertise.
  2. Strengthening technological and digital infrastructure by developing integrated information systems and shared digital platforms, as well as exchanging expertise and training on the use of modern technologies in surveillance and investigation.
  3. Utilizing the expertise of international organizations such as the United Nations and Interpol to enhance national efforts in combating organized crime.

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