On Monday, August 12, 2024, a delegation from the Woman’s Studies Center visited the Ministry of Justice after obtaining official approvals from the honorable Minister of Justice, Dr. Khalid Shwani.

The delegation was represented by the Director of the Center, Dr. Adhraa Ismail Zaidan, the Head of the International Community Research Department, Dr. Abeer Najm Al-Khalidi, Dr. Saba Hussein Al-Moula, the Head of the Policies and Legislation Department, and Assistant Teacher. Zainab Mohammed Khalaf. The delegation was received by Ms. Sana Abdul-Kadhim, Director of the Woman’s Affairs Department at the Ministry, Dr. Lamia Yad Allah Fath Allah, responsible for monitoring the affairs of female inmates in the Iraqi Correctional Service, and Dr. Hanan Mouhi Muhammad, Director of the Training, Rehabilitation, and Employment Department.

During the meeting, a cooperation mechanism was signed between the Ministry of Justice’s Woman’s Affairs Department and the Women’s Studies Center at the University of Baghdad. Discussions were held regarding the ministry’s directives to study the nature of the work of female prison staff, aiming to evaluate their performance, identify challenges they face in their work, and determine ways to address them. This is a first step within the joint cooperation initiative between the center and the ministry’s team.

This meeting is part of a series of engagements conducted by the center to coordinate with relevant authorities to enhance the role of knowledge and scientific research in overcoming obstacles faced by women, assisting them in performing their job duties, and enabling them to assume leadership positions in society.

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