The Center for Women’s Studies/Quality Assurance and Performance Appraisal Unit organized a workshop entitled “Explaining the sections of the Performance Appraisal Form for the Academic Year 2022/2023”. Dr. Reem Khamees Mahdi explained the documentation requirements for the center’s staff, emphasizing greater participation in administrative tasks related to relevant committees, as well as participation in training and development courses that benefit the center’s work context.

Workshop participants included Ms. Thuria Khudair Abbas and Ms. Wi’am Arkan Abdul Amir from the Department of Quality Assurance and University Performance/Rectorate of Baghdad University, as well as a number of center staff.

Recommendations from the workshop included clarifying the performance evaluation sections for the 2022/2023 academic year, following the instructions of the university rector’s office to document the appropriate data for each activity, and providing the Quality Assurance and Performance Evaluation Unit with accurate and appropriate data for each section of the form. The importance of active participation in assigned tasks, expanding the scope of activities to include participation in voluntary campaigns and service to institutions was also emphasized.





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