The Woman’s Studies Center participated in the educational workshop on the updated performance evaluation form, which lasted for five days with the participation of more than 80 public and private universities and colleges.

The center was represented by Assistant Lecturer Zainab Mohammed, Head of the Quality Assurance Unit, and Mr. Mohammed.M.Lafta, a Quality Assurance Liaison member at the center.

Dr. Omar Faleh Hassan, Director of the Quality Assurance and University Performance Department at the Presidency of the University of Baghdad, stated that the workshop represents the largest event of its kind, aimed at training heads of performance evaluation units in Iraqi universities on how to work with the updated performance evaluation form.

Professor Dr. Siham Kazem Nimer, Head of the Institutional Performance Division at the Presidency of the University of Baghdad, pointed out that the workshop provided a set of instructions on the mechanism for performance evaluation, the new information included, and the methods for calculating evaluation scores.

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